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When I was designing this site I did not include a Localisation page, being English (you would never know from the bad grammar and spelling) it never even crossed my mind. 75%(guesedimated) of projects and websites are in English by default, but I know how annoyed I get when following a link and finding the information I require is in a language I can not decipher google/fish so it must be much worse for those who can not follow English.

Web pages and documentation into English

Full applications into Japanese

One of the points of open source (at least in my opinion) is to provide these tools to everyone, everywhere [information wants to be free].

Most large projects are at least in some way multi-lingual but many more are cutting out access to literarily millions of potential users.

It would be nice and easy if the world spoke one language and communicated in the same on the internet but its not and it never will be.

I could go on about the diversity of cultures, the source of the spoken word or etymology, but if you look beyond the horizon, multi-language is the next big push [stats]. The push is there now, but it is not that big or not big enough, many countries are considering foss as microsoft can not support their needs.

How can I help ?
If you are a non native English speaker/reader you are in an INCREDIBLY strong position to offer something back to the community>. Empower your fellow countryman by creating/translating manuals/tutorials/how-tos etc

Stand against in-equality and offer the same resources to everyone regardless of their background, skin color or what language the speak/understand/read !
You are the future and YOU can make it happen.
A great place to find more

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Any links leading to pages external of the server are provided in good faith but can not be garentied to lead to where you expect them to.
If you have any questions please review the FAQ before trying to contact me.

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